Math has a wide-spread reputation for being the subject students hate. It’s not uncommon to hear “I hate math class” or “math is too hard” from students who are struggling.
But what causes so many students to dislike math? Here are 7 Reasons
1. It is difficult to understand and very complicated
Learning Mathematics is like learning a new language. People don't like learning a new language. Asking students to find 'X' when X is there in the equation seem babaric to the student.
2. Mathematics Teacher are hard and very disciplined.
Teachers in charge of mathematics always have negative and strained relationship with their students. This could be as a result of the strict nature of the teacher or the student just hating the teacher for no reason. The hate of the teacher by the student is subsequently transferred to the subject he teaches.
3. Too much calculation
Sometimes it makes you feel stupid, right? Like you’re sitting, like, “Okay, I’m supposed to figure this formula out with what is the distance from here, here, all this other stuff. Oh my gosh, this is driving me insane. I can’t do this. It’s making me think. I’m getting a headache. I don’t like it.” Right? Students don’t like that.
Many students who struggle with math struggle with memorizing all the rules and equations involved. In reality, memorization is only one part of learning math.
4. Bored
Students like subject that stimulate them, which are fun and exciting to learn. Some students dislike math because they think it’s dull. They don’t get excited about numbers and formulas the way they get excited about history, science, languages, or other subjects that are easier to personally connect to. They see math as abstract and irrelevant figures that are difficult to understand.
With subjects such as English or writing, marks can come from a variety of factors like creativity, spelling, grammar, style, punctuation, and more. With math, there are few opportunities to earn marks because an answer can only be right or wrong.
In order to learn, math requires making a lot of mistakes. Students have to repeat the same types of questions over and over again until they get the right answers—and it can get frustrating. Repetitively getting wrong answers can take a toll on one’s confidence, leading them to shy away from the subject.
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