Douala: Shocking story of school girl raped on way back home
A man whose name we did not immediately get, is in police custody at the 17th Police District, Douala, following accusations of rape.
The suspect, supposedly a bike rider, is said to have raped a minor who had boarded his bike on her way back from school on Saturday.
“I was coming back from school on Saturday, I was looking for a bike to go back home. One of the bike riders called me and asked where I was going, I said PK21. When we reached PK17, he said at PK20, the authorities had blocked the road because of construction works” the victim explained.
She continued, pointing out that “he also said since morning, he had been transporting people from PK14 passing through PK19 before reaching PK21”.
“We took an entrance…right inside there were no more houses. And that’s where he asked me to go down because he wanted to urinate.”
The alleged rapist is reported to have threatened his victim with a cutlass when she tried to resist.
“I don’t know what came over me. All I can say is that I ask for forgiveness from the girl, her family, and the authorities” the accused pleaded after he was apprehended.
Police Commissioner, Lambert Bawak, of the 17th Police District, Douala, said “it is not the first time that we are recording a case like this. At times they even kidnap. There is theft, rape, and kidnapping. Their method of operating as we know, is that they present themselves as bike riders”.
Inhabitants of the area where the act took place also confirmed that several cases of rape have been recorded there, with some men who pass for bike riders, carry female passengers and do not reach their destinations, but rather rape them and make away with their belongings.
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