At 12:16pm today I got a phone call from my dad asking could I pick my mum up hes stuck miles away in work but he's leaving now
He asked me to take her to the hospital as her ecig battery had exploded in the middle of aldi and its set her clothes on fire and she's in a mess. I was straight there and found her in the middle of the shop sat on a chair crying and shaking in shock, covered in water which a passing customer must've threw over her to stop the flames.
The acid was burning her skin and all her hand was a mess. Thankfully the battery was in her coat pocket not her jeans! We took her straight to a&e where she was treated and has just now been allowed out to go home. She has to attend the burns unit tomorrow.
Life lesson - be careful with ecigs / ecig batteries in your pockets people!! 10 minutes prior to the explosion she was driving, this could have had a much worse outcome. She's very lucky! I've been on pins all day waiting for news. Was awful to see me mam like that just glad she's at home and that she's ok also a massive thankyou to those that stayed with her until me & Ryan got to her - not sure who they all are but thank you
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