Ham El Astronaut
One day like today but from 1961 when he had not yet reached the age of four, the chimpancé known as No.65 became the first protagonist of the Mercury Project when he was launched on his first mission on a suborbital flight. The objective of Mercury was to put the first human being in Earth orbit. During the training, the primate was taught that when a blue light came on she should perform a lever. If he failed, an electric shock was applied to him at the soles of his feet, while if he did it correctly he received a piece of banana.
On 31 January 1961, it was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, and made an approximately 16-minute flight, returning safely to Earth.
In the image you can be seen moments before carrying out the mission. Upon his return, he was re-baptized as Ham, which, according to reports, had not been done before for fear that the mission would fail and the public impact on the death of a chimpancé identified with a name would be greater.
The launch of the first spring into space was very close in time to also controversial launches of astronauts in the USSR, such as Laika or Belka and Strelka, among others. After his space adventure he was transferred to a zoo, where he died at the age of 25.
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A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900
A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900 A river pirate is a pirate who operates along a river. The term has been used to describe many different kinds of pirate groups who carry out riverine attacks in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America. They are usually prosecuted under national, not international law A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900. It stands on stones or wooden beams. Every day 1 will take off with his head on top. He will eventually have nothing to stand on and suffocate to death. On a sunny winter day some three centuries ago, British warships fired their cannons in celebration as Lieutenant Robert Maynard sailed up the James River upon his return to Virginia. Any questions as to the success of his covert mission to subdue one of history’s most notorious pirates were answered at the...
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