Today great thinker gold mind to solve hard Problems With Words. Here are list of 33 undiluted words of wisdom
33 motivational quote
33 motivational quote
- if you cant fly run,if you cant run walk,if you cant walk crawl,but by all means keep moving.[martin Luther king]
- 0ne thing is to plan another is to execute the plan.plan and execute it and you shall achieve your dream.....[osorhor vwegba]
- dont kill the dream execute it...[RObert.H.schuller]
- never let a problem become an excuse..[.Robert.H.schuller]
- anything that require your presence before you can make money does not guarantee you success.[osorhor vwegba]
- failure doesnt mean you are a failure it does mean you havent succeeded yet.[Robert H schuller]
- work hard at the beginning to work less but earn more in the future.[osorhor vwegba]
- planning is number one thing to plan to plan.[osorhor vwegba]
- you can do anything you want to can be anything you want to be .you can go anywhere from where you can,if you are willing to dream big and work hard.Robert H schuller]
- success is never certain and failure is never the final
- the people who risk nothing do nothing have nothing are nothing.[Robert H schuller]
- success doesnt come from the way you are but from the way you think[Robert H schuller]
- be not afraid of greatness some are born great some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.[william shakespeare]
- happiness is found in doing what you find yourself doing with joy[Napoleon Hill]
- dont force yourself doing what you dont have passion for.[osorhor vwegba]
- the ladder of success is never crowded at the top.[Napolean Hill]
- anybody can wish for riches and most people do,but only few knew the definite plan,plus a burning desire for wealth are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth[Napolean Hill]
- both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought[Napolean Hill]
- knowledge is power.the difference between failure and success is information.[Dr mike mudock]
- the day you make decision about your life is the day your world will change[Dr.mike mudock]
- 21)since God created woman man have not rested
- anything that reguire your presence before you can make money does not guarantee you success
- observation is the best teacher
- work hard now to work less but earn more in future
- dont start what you can finished
- surround yourself with idiot then you will be a king among them
- surround yourself with those on the same mission as you.
- think slowly but act fast
- love does not hurt it is the person you chose to love that hurt you.
- do not dismiss your be without dreams is to be without be without hope is to be without purpose.
- successful people dont talk it is their action that do the talking
- you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
- do not take for granted the things closest to your heart.cling to them as you would life for without them life is meaningless.
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