Marriage is not as the way it used to be. Compare today's marriage to when our parents and grandparents got wedded.
Divorce is now on the rise. People have come to accept it as an almost inevitable part of life. The fear of going through a divorce has been mitigated.
Note also that people still marry for the very same reasons that older generations for, but the rate of divorce today is of increase and the following are the reasons among others
1. Men are Sexists and Chauvinistic in nature
Most men are sexists and chauvinistic in nature therefore making them selfish and loathe independent women. They make denigrating remarks about women and you don't expect a serious, logical and virtuous woman to remain with such a rètarded being.
Women in other hand, are peace loving and cool but their anti-feminism husband keeps antagonising them and they don't have an option but divorce him.
There's no ONE reason for the high rates of marriage failure these days. Rather, I believe it's a combination of factors. Lemme briefly address A FEW of these factors:
1. Gender equality and role reversal:
In times past, the roles of men and women were clearly delineated. A husband was expected to be the bread winner, while the wife was to be the submissive homemaker. These days however, a lot of women would rather pursue careers (which I support anyway) and some even have become breadwinners. We haven't yet rewritten the roles, to reflect the new ideas. Hence, families are struggling to cope.
2. Social Media:
A lot of young people would rather advertise their problems on social media than talk through them with their partners. This has led to poor communication in the home. It's no longer unusual to see two or more people in the same room, smiling into their smartphones for hours, and not talking to each other. It's creating a real communication gap.
Also, a lot of people are so hot in pursuit of 'Likes' on Facebook & Instagram and 'Followers' on twitter, etc, that they fail to realise that this doesn't necessarily translate into love in real life.
3.Societal Influence and Religion:
The general (erroneous) belief that once a lady is 25yrs and unmarried, it means she has spiritual problems, has made a lot of women rush into marriage without really getting to know the man they're marrying.
4. The Rat race:
These days, families (especially us younger generation) are getting to spend less and less time together. We spend the greater part of our time at work, chasing money. This doesn't allow for healthy family bonding.
5. Western Influence and Intolerance:
From Hollywood to Nollywood, it has almost become fashionable to divorce your partner at the first hint of trouble. The general reason is "due to irreconcilable differences". We no longer wish to sit down and address these differences, cos we feel we're being under appreciated by our partners. The grass is always greener on the other side.
modern civilization (today music- all about sex, sex, sex! today movies: sex, sex, sex. internet- sex, sex, sex!) making it easy for couples to find better alternatives...and the modern media making couples to be comparing their partners with those they see on social network platforms- facebook, twitter, BBM, whatsapp, 2go, badoo, twoo, etc. it takes strong level of self control and Godly discipline to remain faithful in marriage with the aforementioned reasons.
The reasons for high divorce rate in our society is selfishness and us not willing to compromise certain things to have a successful marriage. we go into marriage expecting just too much forgetting marriage is working hand in hand to make things work.
Another reason is that, most men aren't married to their dream woman, and I would place the blame on the women for so many reasons big enough to be contained here...just my own perspective, remember, I had been a member of a team that have tried to unveil why many relationships and marriages of the 21st century fail earlier than expected...and during the cause of our research, we interviewed so many youth and adults, and we also made several visits to both campuses and corporate offices and you would be amazed at our results....
Modern civilization has changed the world negatively....naturally, women are meant to conform easily with certain situations than men, and nature also made women to be convinced more easily, to adapt to a situation or to develop passion or love for someone they hardly knew, and thats why you see it possible for a guy to just walk up to a girl he hardly knew and start cooking up stories and before you know it, the girl starts falling for him and admiring to be with him for just telling her words...thats very difficult for a man...a woman can hardly get a man to fall like that, thats nature's handwork, and that was why in the past, most men married their dream women cos the women weren't so insatiable, and were easily convinced without too much expectations and daydreaming/fantasies like the women of today who expect a man to be:
1. very handsome
2. very rich
3. very romantic
4. very educated
5. good in cooking
6. good in bed
7. very popular
and the list continues, before they could consider to date or marry him. haven't you wondered why guys of today are marrying late? Incase you don't know, its because the women of today have all set high standard that guys are now hustling to meet up, and of course before most achieve those qualities, they may have clocked 30 years and above.....and maybe, end uo marrying a woman who isn't their dream woman, and also ends up supplementing their romantic/love life outside the shores of their matrimonial home...
The reason for the high divorce rate is in Tony Blair's voice "Inflated expectations". A lot of young people today have this idea that once they get married, everything will be blissful. They don't factor in the fact that people have mood swings, some peopl want to play loud music on Saturday morningwhile the other wants to sleep. One wants to go curbing and the other wants to stay home and cuddle. It is these little things that turn into huge issues. The man believes that when he is married, the wife suddenly becomes his house help and the woman thinks the husband is her private ATM machine and so they both become like strangers. More and more couples are then see that life is not what they think it is but instead of sitting down to address the issue from the roots, being humans, they attack the leaves.
Another reasons is that,Since men are the ones that select a wife, they sometimes have high standards for a woman to meet before she's considered "fit" for a wife. And this makes most women pretend( which is wrong) just to get married. I was talking with a male friend and he was telling me he can't marry a woman that has a tatoo, already has children or has slept with more than 4/5 men.
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