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SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story

SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story
42-year-old Dandara dos Santos was kicked, punched, and hit with shoes and a plank of wood in front of residents in Fortaleza, Ceara state, Brazil... till death. click image to read story

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9 Reason why human’s don’t live long nowadays,

Here are 9 Reason why human’s don’t live long nowadays

According to the bible in genesis, Adam died at the age of 930, Noah was almost 500 when he started building the ark and Methuselah lived unbeaten world record 969 what happen ? why don’t we live that long anymore? In answer many argue that it is a sign of end time. If it is a sign of end time there must be a reason behind it……………let critically examined the reason why human don’t lived long nowadays….

A. Technology: in the acient days technology is not in a state of existence. I cant say there is 0:5% of technology in the 1st century. The impact of technology on our social, mental, physical and environmental health can be devasting if we don’t keep ourselves in check. Technology has made us not to live long due the following reason

1. Isolation:social isolation is characterised by a lack of contact with other people in normal daily living. Such as the workplace, with friend in social activities such as “studies” have shown that people who are socially isolated will live shorter lives

2. Uses of devices: constantly looking down at devices can cause neck pain and overtime will cause the neck to lose its natural curve. Eyes train can also cause headaches, blurred vision.

3. Cellphone use: according to the national cancer institute, the use of mobile phones could potentially pose a risk of brain cancer. Moreover , mobile phone users are more likely to be involvd in accident both in automobiles and foot.

4. Poor sleeping habits: late night phone conversations keep us up till the wee hours .these constant interruption take a toll our mental states, making it difficult to turn off our brains. Give your brains some time out tool

5. Stress: our brain is not capable of multi-tasking and when it happens there can be severe stress which can also turn into rage…………… technology has lead to short life span. All your laptop using touchpad checking, smart phone and many others were not in use in the acient day. All the device we use, what we see , what we wear, what we do[brag and swag] has lead to short life span as a result of technology

B. Pollution: pollution is the release of harmful substances into the environment. These harmful substances are cause by man. We can say the harmful substances are the waste product of technology and once these waste product are release into the environment they play a negative effect to human health…let look job one most waste produt of pollution cause by man and it effect to man health”carbondioxide”

Carbondioxide: human being exchange gas between the plant{respiration} the plant gives us oxygen while in turn we give out carbon{iv}oxide. Most area coverd with plant has been disforestated{removed}. The smoke that came out from exhaust pile need to be inhale but since there is high rate of disforestation the gas release by the mining industrial and vehicle remain in the air its miss up with the oxygen taken in by man. The air we take in is pollute and we all known the effect of taking in pollute air{coughing,difficult in breathing,etc.} in the acient world there is no vehicle, no industry, oxygen presence in the air is natural and pure……

C. Food processing: what we take in today are highly chemicalized. To preserve and store our store our food the use of chemical are put into practice. Nowadays fruit are not fit to consume because they were made to ripe qucikily by the action of man once this fruit are consume with the chemical the chemical have its own role to play. Have you not ask”why these uncureable diseases” like HIV AIDS, EBOLA and many other were they set up by GOD? It is as a result of what we take in, the other hand we are not feeding properly the soil has loss its statebility. The soil does not have the capacity to produce the food element needed in our body due to mining and flooding cause by global warming. The food we eat these days those not carry all the needed element as a result our warm out tissues are hardly repair making us to grow old and die young..

D. Studing:study has also be the reason why human don’t live long nowadays. Human are not satisfy with what GOD GIVES. we want to advance in it.modernizing the world to meet our purpose has been priority to us. To advance in it, human carry out research work to solve some of the issues created by us. The more we try to exploit on the earth the more problem arises and more research has to be carry out. If one problem is solve another is created. Human will keep looking for solution to world problem. Study limit life span research has it that study make human to grow old on time. We spent most of our years in academic learning, research, investigation and observation.

Due to daily activities, our meals which has chemical contains from vegetables and injection to some animals to producing faster like to grow bigger for meats , eggs and milks. Our natural disaster also one of the reason why human die soon. Those days, we no chemical in foods, all natural contents, environmental was clean, no pollution thus a lot of greenish comparing nowadays situations.

In above all technology is the greatest reason why human don’t lived long. As technology keep advancing human will be experience pre-mature death and uncureable disease…people will be dying at the age rate of 40, 50, 60,even at less if technology grow in advance than this…………. What do you think? Comment below


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