This has been a topic of debate for a long time. Between a mother and a
father Who is more important in a family? Different people may have
different opinions about it, but for me, it is surely the mother. But
Although, it's the responsibility of both to raise a family, but still
there, the mother contributes more than the father. Get a glass of wine and
read on
I would rather have my mother alive if i'm being given the option of whom
should live. Mother's love toward a child in the family can't be over
emphasize and they are more better than men in the family because of the
following reasons
When it comes to child up bringing, Women are more stronger than men. Their
love and strength toward a child is undisputed. I will not talk much on
this because it has been what most people have observed in the society
A woman can play the role of a mother and also the role of a father. But
a man can't play the role of a mother definitely he will seek for some help.
How? women can work for money to pay house rent, buy baby clothes and provide
food for the baby's but men can't be pregnant, give birth and breastfeed.
Mothers always remember her children's whenever they're out but fathers don't. Mother's most time use their hair tie and wrapper to bring Ceremony food home for the children but fathers eat and forget that they have children at home.
Mothers always remember her children's whenever they're out but fathers don't. Mother's most time use their hair tie and wrapper to bring Ceremony food home for the children but fathers eat and forget that they have children at home.
Mother's love toward her children cannot be questioned. their loves is like a fertilizer that help to better the life of the child and help him to grow even when the child is in worse situation. imagine a true life story
"A child was back from school and she was beaten my the rain. Getting home, As she open the door, She saw her father, mother and her brother including ME( a friend to her brother ) watching a movie. she thought of entering the house but she was confused. either to enter with her wet clothe or pulled it's off before entering . Standing on the door post thinking of what to do. his brother looked at her and say, "Juliet, Something must be wrong with you. Will You not go and pull off your wet clothe before you start feeling cool"
Her father looked at her and say, " But Juliet, while don't you wait till the rain stop before you start coming home? but Her mother stod up, got to where her daughter was embraced her and say to his father " Why didn't the rain wait for my daughter to get home before it should start raining?
Now examine this video. It's tell it all. In the video, the cock is only
concerned about itself. But as for the hen, she make sure the food get to
the children. (Watch)
No matter how poor a woman can be, she must surely look for a means to Carter
for her children. A home cannot be empty and boredom when the mother is there.
Mothers are ever the greatest gift from God to children.
Mother's should never been compared to fathers in the family. you think otherwise...drop your comment and don't forget to share
Mother's should never been compared to fathers in the family. you think otherwise...drop your comment and don't forget to share
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