Reasons Why It Is BetteTo Have A Boy First
I want to answer the question of Which Is Better: Boy Or Girl As First-born?It is better to have a boy first before having a girl. I definitely think it is better to have a boy first.
Although having a female child as first child seem to be good because they are better in nursing and in domestic work. Having them at first will lesser the work of the mother when she give birth to the second child. she will act like a second mother to the younger ones whenever the mother is not around or ill. she can help to bath them, prepared their food, feed them, wash their clothes, etc. A boy as the first child can do likewise but it wouldn't be better and there would always be error which could result to one thing or the other. despite this, it is most preferable to have a boy at first.
the reason why it is most preferable to have a male child is because;
despite the fact that they lessened the work of mother once she give birth to the other children, girls are very stupid, They are easily mislead and they need Iron hand. At their teen age, if there are not properly monitor or discipline they will have unwanted pregnancy as we have seen u
in the society today . To avoid the issue of unwanted pregnancy they need to be disciplined and control. Fathers are not always there and mothers are too soft in heart. The only person who have enough time to discipline them is THE Boy and he can only be able to do that if he is the senior.They (brother) will be able to terminate any open or secret love affair these girls have with an outsider and beat them up for them to quit.
Another reason why I think a boy should be first is that, There are a lot of responsibilities for every first child of a family. The responsibilities of the family will fall to you whenever mummy and daddy are not there especially when the situation of the family is unfavourable. A girl child will not be always there to pilot the affairs of the family because she too will get married and be under her husband. She have to do whenever her husband instructed her to do. What if their is an emergency to attend urgently by the first child, and her husband instrusted her not to go? or in A situation whereby her junior ones are still very young and nobody to Carter for them except only her. In this case she have to informed her husband before she could accommodate them. What if the husband said no? then she have to look for alternative means. In the case of a boy as the first child things are totally different, although he have to let her wife know about any action he want to carry out towards his family but she can't say no, she would only have to render advice.
You should not because of this piece of writing disparage female child at first . God know why he decided to give you a female child at first.
what do you think? A boy at first? Comment below
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