What To Know About Menses
menses or a period is made of blood and womb lining. the first day of a woman's period is day one of the menstrual cycle. period or menses last around 3 to 5 days and women loose about three to five table spoonful or bloood in a period. some women bleed heavily doing their period. in cases of heavy bleeding during menses, see a doctor for medication
what causes the menses
the menses are caused by the breakdown of the nest. before the egg is released in each cycle the uterus makes a nest by thickening its lining, to prepare for a possible pregnancy.
what happens if there is no conception?
1.the egg dies on the same day, usually within about twelve hours of the time it was released(ovulation)
2.it immediately begins to disintegrate and disappear. nobody is aware of it because it is invisible
3.the nest is not needed any more and so it begins to breakdown.it takes roughly two weeks for this breakdown to be completed: two weeks from the time of ovulation(the peak time)
4.the broken down nest then leaves the body as menses. the menses occurs about two weeks after the peak. to be more exact it occurs between 10 and 16 days after it.
menses or a period is made of blood and womb lining. the first day of a woman's period is day one of the menstrual cycle. period or menses last around 3 to 5 days and women loose about three to five table spoonful or bloood in a period. some women bleed heavily doing their period. in cases of heavy bleeding during menses, see a doctor for medication
what causes the menses
the menses are caused by the breakdown of the nest. before the egg is released in each cycle the uterus makes a nest by thickening its lining, to prepare for a possible pregnancy.
what happens if there is no conception?
1.the egg dies on the same day, usually within about twelve hours of the time it was released(ovulation)
2.it immediately begins to disintegrate and disappear. nobody is aware of it because it is invisible
3.the nest is not needed any more and so it begins to breakdown.it takes roughly two weeks for this breakdown to be completed: two weeks from the time of ovulation(the peak time)
4.the broken down nest then leaves the body as menses. the menses occurs about two weeks after the peak. to be more exact it occurs between 10 and 16 days after it.
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