Many does not known the resson why they are into a relationship. Most girls believe that being into a relationship is as to obtained materials gain in return of the sex she will offered. Likewise guy's. The reason for Being into relationship is not to satisfy your sexual desired (men) neither to have your want satisfy(women) It is the reason for courtship.
This is when both partners study each other thoroughly to see if he or she is the right person. It is not a something that is expected from the guy to be providing for the girl in terms of finance which in turn uses her to quench his sexual desired.
Today, most girls prostitute thinking that they are into a relationship. Having sexual intercourse with differences kind of penis is prostitution. This is what the prostitute do and if you are doing the same thing I.e if you have invited more than one difference kind of penis from differences individuals at regular basis you are as well a prostitute. Also having sex with a man and expecting some sort of compensation after is prostitution. Whether its getting him to pay for your hair or nails etc its all still the same, you are selling that pussy.
Many relationship today scramble and collapse because both partners fail to realized the reason of being into a relationship. Here are the resson why you relationship does not and will not lead to marriage
1. If you date her because of s*x the relationship would not give birth to a marriage. At a certain time you would not find her attractive because you have gotten enough of her and at this point ending it with her would be the choice.
2. If you date him because you wishes him to satisfy your want and predicament the relationship would not give birth to a marriage.One thing you should known about money is that " money, comes and go )there would be a time he would be financially broken and at this time he would no longer be able to meet up with your demand thus make you to walk away.
All men wishes good ladies as wife and likewise for all ladies. Ladies would not like to marry a man who date because of sex and men would not like to marry a lady who date because of material gain.....
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