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SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story

SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story
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Meet Ted Bundy: the Greatest Serial Killer of All Times with Over 247 victims

Meet Ted Bundy: the Greatest Serial Killer of All Times with Over 247 victims

Just visited the Green Acres sporting goods store where Ted Bundy bought a knife that he used to murder his last victim Kimberly Leach (February 9th 1978) she was only 12 years old. 

American serial killer who kidnapped, bludgeoned, raped, and murdered numerous young women and girls from the age of 12-25 years, most especially University students. (Although there has been speculations that his youngest victim might have been a 8-year old girl who dissapeared from her house in the same neighborhood that he lived)during the 1970s and possibly earlier.

American serial killer who kidnapped, bludgeoned, raped, and murdered numerous young women and girls from the age of 12-25 years, most especially University students. (Although there has been speculations that his youngest victim might have been a 8-year old girl who dissapeared from her house in the same neighborhood that he lived)during the 1970s and possibly earlier.

After more than a decade of denials, before his execution in 1989, he confessed to 30 homicides that he committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978. But the true number of victims is unknown and possibly higher, as he always hinted that the number of his victims were much higher than that. Most of the missing and murdered girls during this time was suspected to be from him as these operations fell under his modus operandi.

Ted Bundy was sentenced to death by electrocution after the murder of his last victim, 12 year old Kimberly Leach who was abducted from her junior high school in broad daylight.

Bundy was an unusually organized and calculating criminal who used his extensive knowledge of law enforcement methodologies to elude identification and capture for years. His crime scenes were distributed over large geographic areas; his victim count had risen to at least 20 before it became clear that numerous investigators in widely disparate jurisdictions were hunting the same man. His assault methods of choice were blunt trauma and strangulation, two relatively silent techniques that could be accomplished with common household items.

 He deliberately avoided firearms due to the noise they made and the ballistic evidence they left behind.

He was a "meticulous researcher" who explored his surroundings in minute detail, looking for safe sites to seize and dispose of victims.

 He was unusually skilled at minimizing physical evidence. His fingerprints were never found at a crime scene, nor any other incontrovertible evidence of his guilt, a fact he repeated often during the years in which he attempted to maintain his innocence.

Meet Ted Bundy: the Greatest Serial Killer of All Times with Over 247 victims
Theodore Robert Bundy (November 24, 1946 – January 24, 1989) was an

American serial killer who kidnapped, bludgeoned, raped, and murdered numerous young women and girls from the age of 12-25 years, most especially University students. (Although there has been speculations that his youngest victim might have been a 8-year old girl who dissapeared from her house in the same neighborhood that he lived)during the 1970s and possibly earlier.

After more than a decade of denials, before his execution in 1989, he confessed to 30 homicides that he committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978. But the true number of victims is unknown and possibly higher, as he always hinted that the number of his victims were much higher than that. Most of the missing and murdered girls during this time was suspected to be from him as these operations fell under his modus operandi.

Ted Bundy was sentenced to death by electrocution after the murder of his last victim, 12 year old Kimberly Leach who was abducted from her junior high school in broad daylight.

Bundy was an unusually organized and calculating criminal who used his extensive knowledge of law enforcement methodologies to elude identification and capture for years. His crime scenes were distributed over large geographic areas; his victim count had risen to at least 20 before it became clear that numerous investigators in widely disparate jurisdictions were hunting the same man. His assault methods of choice were blunt trauma and strangulation, two relatively silent techniques that could be accomplished with common household items.

 He deliberately avoided firearms due to the noise they made and the ballistic evidence they left behind.

He was a "meticulous researcher" who explored his surroundings in minute detail, looking for safe sites to seize and dispose of victims.

 He was unusually skilled at minimizing physical evidence. His fingerprints were never found at a crime scene, nor any other incontrovertible evidence of his guilt, a fact he repeated often during the years in which he attempted to maintain his innocence.

Bundy in a Miami courtroom in 1979

Other significant obstacles for law enforcement were Bundy's generic, essentially anonymous physical features,

and a curious chameleon-like ability to change his appearance almost at will.

 Early on, police complained of the futility of showing his photograph to witnesses; he looked different in virtually every photo ever taken of him.

In person, "his expression would so change his whole appearance that there were moments that you weren't even sure you were looking at the same person", said Stewart Hanson, Jr., the judge in the DaRonch trial. "He [was] really a changeling.

Bundy was well aware of this unusual quality and he exploited it, using subtle modifications of facial hair or hairstyle to significantly alter his appearance as necessary.

He concealed his one distinctive identifying mark, a dark mole on his neck, with turtleneck shirts and sweaters.

Even his Volkswagen Beetle proved difficult to pin down; its color was variously described by witnesses as metallic or non-metallic, tan or bronze, light brown or dark brown.

Bundy's modus operandi evolved in organization and sophistication over time, as is typical of serial murderers, according to FBI experts.

Early on, it consisted of forcible late-night entry followed by a violent attack with a blunt weapon on a sleeping victim. Some victims were sexually assaulted with inert objects; all except Healy were left as they lay, unconscious or dead

As his methodology evolved Bundy became progressively more organized in his choice of victims and crime scenes. He would employ various ruses designed to lure his victim to the vicinity of his vehicle where he had pre-positioned a weapon, usually a crowbar. In many cases he wore a plaster cast on one leg or a sling on one arm, and sometimes hobbled on crutches, then requested assistance in carrying something to his vehicle. Bundy was regarded as handsome and charismatic, traits he exploited to win the confidence of his victims and society. "Ted lured females", Michaud wrote, "the way a lifeless silk flower can dupe a honey bee.

Once near or inside his vehicle the victim would be overpowered, bludgeoned, and restrained with handcuffs. Most were sexually assaulted and strangled, either at the primary crime scene or (more commonly) after transport to a pre-selected secondary site, often a considerable distance away.

In situations where his looks and charm were not useful, he invoked authority by identifying himself as a police officer or firefighter. Toward the end of his spree, in Florida, perhaps under the stress of being a fugitive, he regressed to indiscriminate attacks on sleeping victims.

At secondary sites he would remove and later burn the victim's clothing, or in at least one case (Cunningham's) deposit them in a Goodwill Industry collection bin. Bundy explained that the clothing removal was ritualistic, but also a practical matter, as it minimized the chance of leaving trace evidence at the crime scene that could implicate him. (A manufacturing error in fibers from his own clothing, ironically, provided a crucial incriminating link to Kimberly Leach.) He often revisited his secondary crime scenes to engage in acts of necrophilia, and to groom or dress up the cadavers. Some victims were found wearing articles of clothing they had never worn, or nail polish that family members had never seen. He took Polaroid photos of many of his victims. "When you work hard to do something right," he told Hagmaier, "you don't want to forget it. Consumption of large quantities of alcohol was an "essential component", he told Keppel, and later Michaud; he needed to be "extremely drunk" while on the prowl in order to "significantly diminish" his inhibitions and to "sedate" the "dominant personality" that he feared might prevent his inner "entity" from acting on his impulses.

All of Bundy's known victims were white females, most of middle-class backgrounds. Almost all were between the ages of 15 and 25 and most were college students. He apparently never approached anyone he might have met before.

(In their last conversation before his execution, Bundy told Kloepfer he had purposely stayed away from her "when he felt the power of his sickness building in him.")

 Rule noted that most of the identified victims had long straight hair, parted in the middle—like Stephanie Brooks, the woman who rejected him, and to whom he later became engaged and then rejected in return. Rule speculated that Bundy's animosity toward his first girlfriend triggered his protracted rampage and caused him to target victims who resembled her. Bundy dismissed this hypothesis: "[T]hey ... just fit the general criteria of being young and attractive", he told Hugh Aynesworth. "Too many people have bought this crap that all the girls were similar ... [but] almost everything was dissimilar ... physically, they were almost all different. He did concede that youth and beauty were "absolutely indispensable criteria" in his choice of victims.

The most surprising thing was when he was electrocuted to death, and his ashes scattered in an undisclosed location, a lot of girls called in to cry and protest because they felt they shouldn't have killed him that he could still change.

Thank God we don't have serial killers like this in Nigeria who just kill for nothing sake. May God save us o. Please share to your friends and also comment your thoughts.

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