" say my boyfriend always is alway late with his date with me, i really want to tell him How annoyed I am, but i dont know How to tell him. I really don't Want to argue.
Is there any way to point out What he did that i didnt't like without making him upset?"
Yes there is; the master key is complimenting.
We usually start with complimenting before being the bearer of our sour news. However , order is anything. Whether to start complimenting or to criticize first Makes a world of difference.
1. Complimenting = criticism
2. Criticism = Compliment
Which order do you think is better ?
Criticism first Then compliment!
Compliment » criticism ( bad )
Criticism » Complimen ( Good )
A criticism followed by a compliment is the Same as not hearing the compliment at all and hurts the other's feelings all at the Same time.
However, a compliment followed after a criticism lightens the blow and is much easier to accept.
The endnote is the most crucial determiner for how people felt later on, How would you feel if you stepped in a pile of Dog poop after an amazing Five course meal at an award Winning resturant?
This is called " retroactive interference." This is When a more recent experience gets in the way of trying to recall an olden one.
We hope you see the positive impact of compliments after saying something critical of your partner.
" Dear, i only have one wish:
I wish you would Stop being late to our date " ( criticism )
Other than that you always cares about me and are always honest (compliment)
How do you talk to your partner When They do something you Don't like?
Comment Below!
Source; #scienceoflove
Is there any way to point out What he did that i didnt't like without making him upset?"
Yes there is; the master key is complimenting.
We usually start with complimenting before being the bearer of our sour news. However , order is anything. Whether to start complimenting or to criticize first Makes a world of difference.
1. Complimenting = criticism
2. Criticism = Compliment
Which order do you think is better ?
Criticism first Then compliment!
Compliment » criticism ( bad )
Criticism » Complimen ( Good )
A criticism followed by a compliment is the Same as not hearing the compliment at all and hurts the other's feelings all at the Same time.
However, a compliment followed after a criticism lightens the blow and is much easier to accept.
The endnote is the most crucial determiner for how people felt later on, How would you feel if you stepped in a pile of Dog poop after an amazing Five course meal at an award Winning resturant?
This is called " retroactive interference." This is When a more recent experience gets in the way of trying to recall an olden one.
We hope you see the positive impact of compliments after saying something critical of your partner.
" Dear, i only have one wish:
I wish you would Stop being late to our date " ( criticism )
Other than that you always cares about me and are always honest (compliment)
How do you talk to your partner When They do something you Don't like?
Comment Below!
Source; #scienceoflove
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