The premenstrual syndrome
Men Don't really know all that much about the monthly battle women go through " she gets super moody and is in constant pain?.( and complain and cries a Lot) This us the de-factor scenario that most Men experience
Yes, menstruation is complicated But an important component of being a woman. Let's Drive into some facts.
Premenstual syndrome is a cyclic monthly process that all women go through. There's a misconception that The period ( bleeding ) is the most painful part of the cycle But it's in general, one normal menstrual cycle lasts 28 days ( depending on the woman the cycle can vary.
1st day of period: About 7-8 days before her period, a woman's Body goes on a massive hormone cut namely dopamine and serotonine ( the " happy hormones ")
They are super important chemical and mood regulators. Hence the reason why you girls has a huge emotional downturn
So now Men, what can you do to Make your girlfriend feel better during this internal struggle?
1. Remember the date
Ditch those pals who say "you Don't need to " that's why They are single ( and will remain so and you aren't ). Keep a calenda or download an app to keep track of When your girl is going through premenstrual syndrome
2. Ask in advance
Open the conversation. Be caring. Ask her how she feel ( before her period ) about the difficult she go through physically and emotionally what you can do to help. Always have a pack of tylenol pain killers Ready just in case the premastrual
syndrome goblin arrives early.
Any Tips for us to know ? Comment Below
Source : #scienceoflove
Men Don't really know all that much about the monthly battle women go through " she gets super moody and is in constant pain?.( and complain and cries a Lot) This us the de-factor scenario that most Men experience
Yes, menstruation is complicated But an important component of being a woman. Let's Drive into some facts.
Premenstual syndrome is a cyclic monthly process that all women go through. There's a misconception that The period ( bleeding ) is the most painful part of the cycle But it's in general, one normal menstrual cycle lasts 28 days ( depending on the woman the cycle can vary.
1st day of period: About 7-8 days before her period, a woman's Body goes on a massive hormone cut namely dopamine and serotonine ( the " happy hormones ")
They are super important chemical and mood regulators. Hence the reason why you girls has a huge emotional downturn
So now Men, what can you do to Make your girlfriend feel better during this internal struggle?
1. Remember the date
Ditch those pals who say "you Don't need to " that's why They are single ( and will remain so and you aren't ). Keep a calenda or download an app to keep track of When your girl is going through premenstrual syndrome
2. Ask in advance
Open the conversation. Be caring. Ask her how she feel ( before her period ) about the difficult she go through physically and emotionally what you can do to help. Always have a pack of tylenol pain killers Ready just in case the premastrual
syndrome goblin arrives early.
Any Tips for us to know ? Comment Below
Source : #scienceoflove
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