1. If a girl laugh too much, even at stupid things, she is lonely deep inside
2. If a girl sleep a lot probably she is sad
3. If a girl does not cry she is mentally strong.
4. If a girl speaks less but speaks fast, she keeps secret
5. If a girl became angry over silly pretty things it means she needs love
My fellow guys let examine our ladies so as to know how to handle them. Like in the case of no.1 we shouldn't take them for granted. When you notice her in such a mood make sure you make her feel wanted.
In the case of no.2 don't be too far from her. Always get close to her and always be around her.
If she does not cry despite what is happening to her, don't go behind her limit.
In the case of no.4 don't bother her to reveal the secret to you because she will not. Just make her happy that moment and she will open up to you unintentionally.
In the case of no.5, she must have been given you the green light but you are not responding to her the way she want it. This will definitely make her to be angry with you. When you notice her in this condition, withdraw your present from her for about a week while flirting with her friends. She will notice your recent change behavior and she will seek your attention. Once she do, dont hesitate to go for her and you will get her easily.
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