Over the time female masturbation has been of increase. This was as a result of sexual pleasure. Most adult female engaged in masturbation because they don't want to toralate the situation of getting dumb or double dated after giving it out to their spouse. But unfortunately there is need for them to quiche the sexual desired burning inside them. To do this, they go into the act of masturbation and lesbianism
research has it that, masturbation improve health. basically speaking masturbation is not bad but healthy. But however, too much masturbation is bad. one thing is certain, if you are fun of doing something it will lead to abuse- doing it excess. What I'm trying to say here is that, for instance, If you keep masturbating once very month it will get to a time whereby you will be doing it twice every month, once a week, twice a week until it will be of everyday, twice a day, hours and minute. What I am trying to say here now is that, Masturbating over sometime will surely lead to excessive masturbation. Below are the effect of masturbation on woman
1. Mental & Physical Imbalance:
Too much of masturbation can lead to mental and physical imbalance. When you are preoccupied with it, you tend to ignore other important areas of life. When they discover the fact that they have become addicts to it, a feeling of guilt emerges and dampens self esteem.
2. Back Pain:
In case of women who masturbate a lot, they tend to be victims of back pain. Pains or cramps in the pelvic region is common. Due to such tremendous activity in the vulva, contraction of the oelvic muscles cause strain the back muscles causing Back Pain.
3. Lowered Libido Level:
A majority of women who are addicted to masturbation have reported that the sexual life with their partners have not been great and they suffer from low libido levels. Excessive ejaculation can cause boredom in bed in times of sexual intercourse.
4. Emotionally Traumatic:
Masturbation may bring about a sense of guilt in women because of cultural, religious or spiritual beliefs. It can be termed as something that is not immoral or wrong, but you can come across terms that any form of self-pleasure is dirty and immoral. If you feel guilty in doing so, then confide in someone close to you or you could speak to your sexologist to find a remedy to the emotional let down feeling.
5. Harmful During Pregnancy:
It is obvious that hormonal changes will occur during pregnancy. It is that time when certain women have a high sex desire as well and most feel masturbation is the perfect way to release this form of sexual tension. Women are bound feel pelvic cramps after and during orgasm while masturbating, which can sometime cause excessive pressure on the womb making it dangerous for the fetus. Hence one should avoid masturbation during pregnancy.
6. Over-masturbation internally or externally causes urinary incontinence. Since the female urethra is very short, external masturbation on the clitoris can irritate the first inch of the urethral nerves. If you use the vibrator for clitoral stimulation, the vibrating energy can penetrate very deep into your G-spot, urethral/bladder sphincter and bladder, even your uterus. The urethral and bladder's parasympathetic continence-control nervous circuits of S1-2's (GVA-GSE) pudendal nerves and S2-4's Pelvic (GVA-GVE) Splanchnic Nerves will become fatigue and damaged by excessive vibrational energy
7. Also, it will causes L2's sympathetic lumbar splanchinc (GVE)/orgasmic nerves to the bladder to misfire during sexual arousal, resulting in urethral female ejaculation. Over-masturbation or over-stimulation on the G-spot before the erection/engorgement of the urethral/vaginal spongy tissues can directly abrade the urethral and urethral/bladder sphincter nerves. When you were in your puberty during ages 8-16, your vaginal lining is too fatty and thick, and you can not erect your urethral/vaginal spongy tissues properly, due to a high level of estrogen to grow your 2nd sexual characteristics and a high estrogen-testosterone and progesterone-tsetosterone ratio in your bloodstream and tissues (including your vagina.).
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