This is basically true. Ladies hate New relationship especially African ladies. This is because they have to act as if they don't like money for about 3,weeks.
A. They are doing this because, they believe that;
Asking for money at the beginning of relationship would make guys think that They are after their money.
It is a means to proof to him that they love him and not considering him a money-generating plant.
Prentending that they do not want money will make the guy believe That they are not exchanging 'Love' against money.
They want to proof that it is not because of Money that make them to accept their proposal.
They pretend as if they don't like money so that you will welcome them with an open hands, assumes them as a wife material, and also conclude she's not a gold digger. Deep within them they are seriously in need of it. That was the number one reasons why they accepted the proposal but it would be too early for them to make request of money at the initial stage of the relationship. After some weeks you should be ready for her financially. All the things you have been enjoying from her during her weeks of pretends such as; kissing, romancing including sex, etc. You will surely paid for them in one way that lead to another.
I start romancing, kissing and fucking my first girlfriend for about two weeks before she started requesting for money and it was a heavy demand.
Note: some girls have their own coded way. In a new relationship, they start to request for money whenever the guy has kissed them or romanced them. Whenever the guy makes nasty move on them they start to demand.
B. Women are not honest, who would not want to have money? They are actually waiting for sexual intimacy. Once you start acting to that aspect they used it as a weapon to request of money.
C. Girls and guys should aggreed to the fact that, girls goes into relationship because of money while guys is because of sex. Men used to willingly offer to provide resources for women because they're genetically stronger and more capable to hunt for resources in the wilderness.
Just like how men ask for sex. What do they give in return? Money can always be earned again, but your body once used cannot. Women who ask obviously giving the guys a chance to spend time with them because it could be the man who ask them out are older and not as attractive as they are. Fair exchange
In conclusion, do not financially help any girl you are not married to. Under any normal circumstances. Unless her parents beat her with metal pipes, and she is literally physical harmed and she needs a place to. You can rent her a room or pay for a monthly lease.
Do not financially help any girl ever, unless you are married to her or the marriage is in a month.
Love is not based on giving money, and if she likes you because you gave her money, then that's called "prostitution" or an " adult escort"
Have you have any experience with any lady who seem to be an angel of light but make a U turn with the relationship is one month old? Comment below
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