This is what you should know!
A language is a medium of communication. A person’s knowledge is estimated in terms of their reading, experiences, skills, education, taking time to invest in themselves, etc. regardless of their language. I know many knowledgeable people who are very respectable in their field and in general knowledge, yet they do not know one English word! A language is not a measure itself but it is a medium that may lead to “measuring” a person’s knowledge.
No language in itself is a measure of intelligence. If you can communicate adequately in another language you’re bilingual. English is just a language
And language is not equal to knowledge!!
People think that, those who speak Good English fluently are highly inteqlligent. English Language is just a medium of conversation just like Any other local or international language. Speaking Good English Does not define how intellectuel you are.
I hate it when people say " She is intelligent" Just because She speak English fluently. Nigerian Now has more respect to those who can speak English fluently than those who speak Fluently in their local language. Nigerian now disregard people who had knowledge to Most Things and honour those who can just speak fluently in English. Some even Make their children to perfered speaking English only and forsaking their local language. Too bad! Some village girls find it difficult to reject guys just because of the way they speak and open their leg for them easily . Some teachers punished students and pulpils instand of correcting them, for not speeking Good English. Foolishness! While would the white not say " we are monkeys "
When speaking with friends and relatives in a new environnement or with others people whose language are differences from theirs, some zombies neglect their local language and use English language instead just because they feel people will think that They are uncivilizes. Who told you that! Foolishness of the highest order
Our ignorance and stupility is getting out of hands. Stop be looking down on people who can not speak Good English. What's your views? Comment below
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