Ladies, Reasonss Why You Should Not Look Through Your Partner's Phone. Don't even dare it.
Ladies If you like yourself don't ever go through your partner's phone. I know you must have been tryin to find out if he's cheating. But consider, what will will happen to you if you ever dare it. What benefits when you discover he is cheating?
Fighting the other girl?
Fighting your man?
Ending the relationship?
Cheating too?
These are the four possible outcomes . What benefits are these to you. Don't fight over him because of his phone if he does not want to give it to you, it is his business. Because if you do you will end up like this.
Don't you know many girls died of heartbreak after checking his phone? Do you wish to be counted among! If you check his phone, you will seem to be the girl in the picture below.
This is not a joke. Trying checking his phone, you will remain or even die like this. What do you think? Comment below
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