Who Do We Blame For A Child's Bad Behavior?
Proverb 22:6 say " Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Some people Believe that, what a parents teaches a child will be discarded as they grow up and make new ideas for themselves, that those ideas will be largely influenced by the society/environment and those they have come in contact with.
Reason being that, the rectification of the society follows the rectification of family and the unity of the society is a result of unity of the family. I'm an ardent believer that if every family could be up to task in upbringing their wards, society will have little or no influence on the child even though there are other unavoidable societal factors that influence the child.
According to a research conducted, 30% respondant agreed that fathers are to be Blame while 60% believed that Mothers while the rest 10% goes to the Society. Family first. Charity begins at home.
To Answer the question, parents are to blame for children bad Behavior because of the following reasons
Parents have great control over kids at their development age, every sensible and expose individual won't ague it, except maybe the feminist in our mix who bring equality to everything. Some parents influence their child in bad upbringing while some brought up their children in a moral and respectful way in the society.
The family is first area of socialization and so it influences the mind and behaviour of the child at an early stage. Although Some children are being trained well at home but still get influenced by external forces. Yes that's correct! my point here is that, if every parents can influence their children positively, there would be no external forces that will influence children negatively
The parent are 90% responsible for a child's upbringing. That's include 60 - 30 for both parents, no matter how bad a society is, if they parent really take time to study their children and regularly have an open mind interactions with their children, Nothing can destroy their children.
Actually, over 60% of failures has to do with absence of father figure or a weak fatber especially in the life of a male child.
Overall the family is primarily responsible for how a child turns out. The confidence of a child to pursue goals, the discipline to stay a tough course to the end, the ability to take initiative on a course , these are all make or break lessons they learn from home. 75% of children life is influenced by the lifestyle of their parents
Other factors that contribute to the bad Behavior of a child such as environment and peer group, religion, school, etc are as a result of inability of the parents child to monitor the child properly. Do you care to check your child at school to see her play mate? Do you often monitor where/whom he/she goes out with? Have you ever care to know the club they belong? Parents are liable to make sure that their children follow positive age mate, go to good places and join the right club and in turn has a great influence on the child in the future.
Fathers that are irresponsible, abusive, beat the wives, cheat, have babies here and there are not liable and as a result it leads to scattered home. 95% of children from scattered home have bad behavior.
Absent fathers affect kids in a very negative way. Fathers don’t know how important they are in a child’s growth and development has lead to bad Behavior of a child
Nowadays parents, allow their children to watch adult movies instead of cartoons, According to research children copy bad than good things. When. They watch romantic movies it introduce Them to sex, romance, dating, and all such of immorality. When they watch actions. Movies, it highlight them about criminal activities and cultism.
Although A child may be a good and responsible before he/she enters university and may be later corrupted by Society's values, but all blames should be thrown to the parents if they fail to give the child proper sex education tips and happens to be the overprotective type and the too-strict type. , likewise, the teenager if they fail to hearken to what has been taught by their parents to them.
Here, I'll implore you to try an experiment. Go to people's homes when their kids are watching the TV and try to notice what they watch. If your result will match mine, music videos and movies will top your list.
Saying 'Music video' is another way of saying pornogrraphy. The rise of the brodcasting of music videos, to me is a way of bringing pornography right into our eyes as these videos convey(most often) the two most outstanding of the crux of pornography's message; indecency and the demeaning of the female-folk
Here, I will like you to carry out an experiment. Turn on your TV set at 12pm. Record the number of stations showing music videos. If your results match mine, the stations are way more than half. Infact, one can say these days from the irritating regularity of these videos on the TV, that the main source of income for TV stations are these videos.
Talking about movies, it's nice we do a bit of classification here. Let's classify first into local and foreign movies. The 'foreign movie' further branches mainly into Hollywood, Korean movies and Telemundo. ,
Parents failed to close monitor of what their children watch, why they watch and when they watch.
The parents have to be blamed for the bad upbringing of their children. If parents inculcate good behaviour and train them in the way of God, the children should be able to decide 4 him/herself the right way to choose when given options when he/she is older.
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