I was made to understand by God that there are three different types of churches in existence here on planet earth, as could be visualized from the spirit realm, are:-
1. The Pentecostal Churches.
This is where the power of God is its real manifestation: when these people pray, they cause the devil and his entire Kingdom great mental agony and make things happen for real. Both physically and spiritually. These people are also described as, “The soldiers of the cross” “The army of Jesus Christ”. The devil Also call them (The born again Christians), “Mad people”. In the Pentecostal Churches, Jesus Christ is the authoritative figure amongst them; so the gate of hell cannot prevails against them.
2. The spiritual Churches
This type of Churches otherwise described as “The African transitional Churches”. And popularly known as “The white Garment Churches” among African society’s , especially the sub Saharan region include “ The Cherubim and seraphim, The has celestial Churches, The Brother hood of the cross and star” popular known as “ Olumba-Olumba”, The holy sabath is Churches, The Evangelical Church Of Yeweh and so on. In all athese places, the True God, even the lord master Jesus is not and can never be found. Instead, satan—— the devil is the founder, president and General overseer of them all. He inspires, dictates and controls all that are done in such places.
Some of the identification signs and activities with which they are known are: removal of their shoes before entering their fellowship house, and walking on the roads and streets of towns where they are located on bare foot, and some of them when asked why they go bare footed, they would quickly site the incidence in the Bible (Ex.3:5) where Moses met the burning bush and was commanded to put off his shoes by God, because the ground upon which he stood was a holy ground. This belief and practice are quite erroneous and should be condemned, discarded and not practiced by anyone who truly seeks to worship and serve the true God. Usually such devotees are very financial, responsible and even well placed men chose to reduce their worth and substance in their white garments (suthan) and walk bare footed on the streets. It is a great folly for any person to identify with such societal nuisants. God forbid it! May it never be your lot! In Jesus name Amen.
Regrettably some of these people in these in white garments, some who call themselves pastors, elders and even deacons in such churches perpetrate varied kinds of unholy acts such as: bathing other men’s wives in the river in the name of washing their problems away; and sometimes going as far as lying with these women. They are virtually fornicators and adulterers, yet they profess true holiness, in their worship. What a mess! These disguised agent prophets that untrue holiness could cause confusion in matrimonial homes and families, as well as subject their victims to terrible fasting that level them so thin and emaciated like Aids victims, yet their problems rather mount up than being solved.
No doubt, devil cannot cast out devil! A kingdom that fights against itself cannot stand, it must collapse ( Matt. 12:25 and 2). Many people today have been thrown into object of poverty as a result of spending so much money in buying various items for sacrifice to solve their problems, yet no solution could be realized for them. Now listen, no amount of sacrifice whatsoever can out weigh or match the incomparable costly sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. See Heb.10:10-12
Based on the above scriptures, if you go to any of the earlier mentioned Churches and indulge in unnecessary sacrifices indiscriminately and still calm to be a born again Christian, you lie! And the truth is not in you. You are just like your father the devil, who is the father of all liers. These white garment Churches, no matter the denominational name they individually bear, are all disguised agents of satan established to function in Favour of him by subtly deceiving and misleading people especially women. Read up 2 Tim. 3:6. In the light of these, St. Paul the Apostles advised thus
“Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world and not after Christ”. (Colossians 2:8)
The leaders of these churches have direct communication link with the marine kingdom and witches world. No wonder, they are usually found at the river and bush tracks making “ dead sacrifices”, all to satan, their god. They also go further to deceive their desperately curious victims by asking them to buy candles of various colours for making prayers for them, which act is an abomination to God. They also tell them to buy incense which does not chase away evil spirits but rather attract them to anywhere they are lit. Note! Each incense spiritually represents 73 different demons with different assignments
Sometimes these white garment agent ask their problems ridden members (victims) to buy and use evil stop oil on themselves, in order to stop or appease the international demon(s) associated with or responsible, for their cases. But the truth about it all is that no oil. No matter what name it is called, what substance it is made from and who made it can in any way or by any chance destroy demons or stop their activities on their victims’ lives. Except the Lord master Jesus intervenes in such a case. Please read up; phil. 2 vs 9&10, Acts. 4:12, prov. 19:10, Matt. 11:28 and Isa 45:22.
Apart from the earlier mentioned prayer items, such as the candles, incense and evil stop oil, these curious victims could be asked to bring black thread with which the victims are spiritually bound or tied. At the end of all these the spiritually ignorant fellows are made to believe that their problems are over. But no! It’s not yet! That brief relief such people experience is as a result of the appeasement of the international demon responsible for victim’s problem, to give way for a weak or local demons do, accompanied by the withdrawal spirit is to merely reduce the victim’s problem just for a deceitful little while. This will followed by a re-enforcement that will leave the confused and resort to more sacrifice
Satan has passed through the agency of this type of churches to cause and promote enmity and disunity among family members and homes. How does the devil do this? You may ask, He does it by falsely inspiring the so called prophet and prophetesses in these churches to see and falsely interpret visions to their members ( victims) who in turn are deceived to accept him
Sometimes, the prophet/prophetess may be inspired to prophecy that there is a big pit dug in front or at the center of the victims house by either his/her wife or husband, mother or father, in law or brother, sister uncle, or Relations and that is, in that pit that the victim’s wealth have fallen, including his/her promotions. Hear this! The devil may answer your prayer but such answers never endure for a long while before it vanishes. So, stop being deceived, stop running up and down because of that sickness in your body, plights and predicaments of life, the devil is a counterfeit entity! Only the lord master Jesus provides lasting solution to all life’s problems so just run to him and be made whole see these scripture
“ Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men” (Acts 4:12)
“Surely he hath borne our griefs’ and carried our sorrows: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities and with his stripes we are healed” (Isa. 53:4,5)
“Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give rest” (math. 11:28)
3. The Ignorant Churches
These include churches like: The Roman Catholic Church, The Anglican Churches, The C.M.S. And so on. These churches still hold on to the archaic and exhibit carnality and do not have the Holy Spirit in them. Hence, they don’t have spiritual power and in sight in their individual lives. They are unregenerate, untransformed in their minds and of course, not born again in their dispositions. They also do not really uphold or practice the doctrine of Christ.
Many of their members freely belong to secret cults and other forms of transitional satanic worship that obviously are opposed to holy and upright living. This might sound incredible but it is a clean truth: From the priest to the least member of these churches. Freely indulge in indiscriminate fornication, adultery (illicit sex) among themselves, unguarded. Drunkenness, shady businesses- receiving and giving of bribes, polygamy rituals practice, abortion and so on. Yet they claim to be Christians, but are they? People who refuse the true doctrine and worship of God through his son Jesus Christ indeed, they take to the worship of “ The Queen of heaven otherwise known as “The Venus” or “SAMIRAMIS— The goddess of the ancient Babylonian religion, through counting of beads known as chaplets burning of candles and incense at their altars and so on. This particular prevalent practice is an abomination to God.
Praise the lord! Hallelujah! Dear reader, my heart is so full of joy for the orthodox churches of these later days, you know why? Well, it might interest you to hear that inspite of all that have been said above concerning these churches, there is today an obviously remarkable spiritual development and revival going on in the midst of them.
The Holy Spirit has begun opening their spiritual eyes and causing them to see beyond just the natural to the spiritual. Their minds have now been loosened and the satanic vail that blind folded their spiritual eye has been lifted, so they now have gradually begun to identify with the person of the Holy Spirit. No wonder we have today, group known as “The Charismatic Movement”, which stemmed from the Roman Catholic Church. Thank God for them! May the lord help them to grow all the more in the knowledge of him (Christ)
This same development and revival is also strongly going on in the Anglican and Baptist Churches. I believe God that very soon this revival wave will also sweep across the other similar churches in Jesus name, amen! Dear friend, seeing that God has an innumerable number of people whose focus is to make heaven, it then follows that the denomination you belong to will not only affect your life spiritually, but will also determine your final destination. So, if you are in a church where the total, undiluted word of God is not being preached, you better run fast away from there before it is too late.
(O.O.O) forget about the original of this name; it is irrelevant and non substantial of while the bearer himself is inconsequential. What a terrible name, with a horrible abbreviation O.O.O! Quite unimaginable, isn’t it? Dear reader? The world “Zero” mathematically is denoted with the letter sign: O. This further implies that: since zero = 0 and literally means nothing then O.O.O invariably means: nothing, nothing, nothing, all amounting to absolute nothing. What a shameful name In all the earth! The bible says:
“Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is non other name under heaven given amongst men whereby we must be saved”; (Acts. 4:12)
It is only the Name of Jesus that has been given from heaven among men for salvation. Olumba is an ordinary name, it is a powerless name that cannot save even an ant, how much more a human being no matter how many times it is mentioned by those who believe in it. If you ask me dear friend, I will advice that you:
“Believe (only) on the lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house”:(Acts. 16:31).
The true about the fact is that the very first Olumber had already died since 1975: and that the one presently functioning from biakpan in calaber, cross River state, is just the incarnate of the late one from Liberia. Believe it or not, this piece of information is released to add to your knowledge if you care, rather than doubt the fact
Dear friend, I dare to tell you this and you just have to know it now: The fellow, Olumba is just an ordinary human being born of flesh and blood, like you and I and every other person. He is never neither will he ever be omnipotent, Omnipresent and omniscience or even immortal as he has claimed. At this juncture it is quite worthy of note that Olumba by virtue of his strong and early inclination in mysterious and spiritism attained a certain level of power that more or less puffed him up to now assume himself to be God or think that he is. Source: (Exposition of satanism by Evangelist Mrs. Grace Onyejiaka)
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