According to a report in 2014, female education has an important impact on the development of a stable, prosperous and healthy nation state resulting in active, productive and empowered citizens.
Educating a female child develops growth rates and reduces social disparities. In 2009, the Nigerian Population Council (NPC) observed that women with higher educational qualifications are more likely to be in formal wage employment than those at the level of primary school education.
Female Youth Corps in Nigeria
A positive correlation exists between the enrollment of girls in primary school and the gross national product (GNP) and increase of life expectancy. Because of this correlation, enrollment in schools represents the largest component of the investment in human capital in any society. Rapid socio-economic development of a nation has been observed to depend on the quality of women and their education in that country. Education gives women a disposition for a lifelong acquisition of knowledge, values, attitudes, competence and skills.
In Nigeria society, it is believed that a male child will eventually be the head of the family. Therefore, educating the female child is not really compulsory.
However, one can not really say that the societal role of a female child in Nigeria is limited and could be compared to the male child in all ramification.
A female education could be the most effective ways to end poverty in developing nations such as Nigeria
The benefits of their education are seen by individuals, their families, and throughout
society. These benefits include:
Educating a female is like educating a whole nation, this implies that an investment in a girl's education is like investing in a nation. For observation, the statistical analysis of students that gain admission into university yearly in various institution shows that females are having the larger percentage. This, however, tells that their contribution in the society cannot be overemphasized when it comes to investment.
Significantly, educating a female child is like educating the mother of tomorrow who will bring up her own children and family in the best approach to withstand the challenges in our country Nigeria .
Women tend to be the first teachers in a child's life. They provide the tools for that child to be ready to be a participative and inquisitive member of society. Moreso, they provide the foundation for their children to fully live to their potential. Huh! A poser: Should female education be limited to teaching line alone?
An educated female child will always encourage her husband to respect societal values and contribute to the development of a Nation like Nigeria. just like Her Excellency, Aishat Buhari has been so supportive to her husband, portraying her self in a way that distinguishes her as a woman, this, of course, is uncommon to the wife of the formal president 'Mrs Jonathan' her uneducated behavioural attitude displayed while in office as the first lady of the country may possibly have led to the failure of her husband and the lost of the presidential election.
Evidently, an adage says, "behind every successful man there is a woman" this tells that a great man's success is determined by his wife effort and unrelenting support without which he might fail in planning and in decision making. Perhaps, we can say that a woman can not achieve this when her education is not given an utmost priority.
Education for a female child can have the benefit of delaying marriage and pregnancy for young girls. Instead of a girl getting married before age 20 and often suffering abuse by her
husband, girls who attend primary and secondary school are more likely to have a say in who they marry. Girls who attend school also are able to use more effective methods of family planning and therefore have fewer and healthier babies. This will help Nation like Nigeria to have optimum population instead of over population
An educated females and will have learned about HIV/AIDS and
know many different ways to protect herself and her family from getting the disease and as well prevent the spread of the virus in a nation like Nigeria.
Every year of schooling helps females make better decisions for her and her family. A female child who attended school often have healthier families. These females are more likely to seek medical help from clinics or doctors. Because they can read. literate females can understand a doctor’s detailed instructions and follow up for help if needed. These females also can read nutritional labels and provide their family healthy meals that promote growth and lower cholesterol. A healthy nation is as a result of healthy families.
Education also teaches young ones the importance of keeping
herself and her house clean and safe. As their families are healthier, so is the mother. She is less likely to be a young mother since she stayed in school and will have better-spaced pregnancies that are healthy for her body. Education is amazing: the World Bank determined that each year of school prevents 2 maternal deaths out of 1000 women each year! Sending your female child to school can be
challenging to your pocket book and her safety. You can protect them with your support and involvement in their education. This will curb most teacher or student harassment that they would feel uncomfortable with.
Going to school alone is not enough.
Education from the parents as well is necessary to produce a female child of worth in the society. I have three sisters and they are all happily married to men they themselves chose. Because of the wealth of knowledge they have both from our parents and school, they were able to remain faithful to themselves and God before their marriage. Their are so many young girls in my area who have either given birth or are currently pregnant because of lack of education. I was with some friends yesterday and I saw a very small girl of about 14 years pregnant. When I enquired about the issue I found out that she wasn't raped or anything rather she has a boyfriend she claims she loves. In this case I blame the parents.
Females Education should never be question neither be temper with, they are the builders of a Nation
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