A young girl has been raped and fake suicide to deceive the population of Garoua. Lab tests ran on the body reveals that the little girl was raped by unknown men and hung on a tree.
May her soul rest in peace.
Here Are The Things You Can Do To Protect Your Females Daughter
When you ask your daughter to go to her uncle's house or to a neighbour's house either for a visit or to deliver a message and she refuse or starts feeling reluctant, don't be too fast in shouting at her.
When your sister is not comfortable spending the night in the house of your cousin like how other children of your parents do, don't be fast to tag her antisocial.
When your female course mate is constantly avoiding lectures from a particular male lecturer, don't be fast to tag her lazy.
When everyone is going to greet the priest or pastor or the reverend after service and this friend of yours is not willing to, don't be too fast in branding her as a possessed girl.
You see, there are many things girls suffer from men which they will never tell you.
So many of them are being abused and molested by that so called uncles, cousins, lesson teachers, ministers. They won't tell you out of fear, respect, or stigmatization. They are just silently avoiding the person. Sometimes they just expect you to code.
It is the same when a girl (not all girls) is having her menstrual period and she is in pains. . . And she starts telling you that she is not feeling fine. . . Then out of care and concern, you are like, "what is wrong, can I take you to the hospital?" Then she smiles and starts telling you things like, "don't worry, I will be fine, it is not that serious."
At that point, she expects you to understand. . .
I know there could be many exceptions to this depending on the context and situations. There could also be a situation in which the girl is always running to see her uncle or cousin especially when no one is around. The point of the post is that when your UNDERAGE or teenage girl is NOT COMFORTABLE or TOO COMFORTABLE before a particular male, be it cousin or uncle or pastor, it COULD be a signal to something deeper if you will only handle it maturely and intelligently.
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