The story of Qaphela Gobodo is really a touching one. He was just a 15-year-old with a big dream. But that dream turned into a nightmare when he became the first black boy to win a rugby scholarship in his school.
His is a story of jealousy, hatred and racial prejudice, and because of that his life was almost ended.
Qaphela Gobodo hails from Wellington, Western Cape, South Africa. At the young age of 15, he had his life well planned out for himself. His big dream was to become a Springbok one day.
Gobodo was the only black kid who was great at rugby at his school, Bergrivier High School, Wellington. And among his teammates, he was simply outstanding. He was also the first black captain of the rugby team, and the first black student to play in the team.
The hard work of this young lad paid off when he won a rugby scholarship from Hoerskool Garsfontein, in Pretoria. But jealousy and hatred immediately put an end to that dream.
It happened in 2016. Gobodo was walking back from the bathroom when a group of four boys attacked him. One of them hit him with a golf stick on the head, and he collapsed on the floor. Then they poured paraffin or thinners all over his body, and burnt him alive.
An ambulance was finally called, and he was taken to Paarl General Hospital. From there he was moved to Tygerberg Hospital. There he was put on ICU, and was there for 26 days.
He had more than 20 operations, and the hospital treated him with kindness.
In an interview, Gobodo said that when his dad saw him, he broke down in tears, and said - so my son you're going to leave me at such a young age? But he told his dad that he wasn't going anywhere, but he's going to be alive and strong, and come back to play rugby.
Everyone thought he wasn't going to make it, but he kept on reassuring himself and everyone that he was going to live.
He said that the first time he looked himself in the mirror he was frightened, and scared of himself. He felt hopeless. But soon, he came to accept his fate, and move on with his life.
Gobodo stayed in the hospital for four months. When he was discharged, he didn't allow his condition to stop him from continuing to pursue the dream. He lost the scholarship that motivated his teammates to burn him alive, but he began to work hard again to win another one.
His dream did not die, neither did the scars stop him. He began training hard again to achieve his dreams.
Qaphela Gobodo's story is one of resilience and determination. It teaches us that no matter what happens to us, we need to always keep hope alive, the way this young man did.
Gobodo is also a motivational speaker, and his story of hope has continued to inspire millions of people who listen to him or read about him.
No matter what you face in life, be inspired by the story of this boy, and never give up hope. You can still be what you were meant to be, despite the challenges.
Credit: Richiehenshaw
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