A man die after refusing to see a doctor for 20 years, and medical examiners were shocked to discovered that he had been living with a hernia on his scrotum that was the side of a football. His toenails were also so long that they looked more likes talons than anything human. His hatred of doctors led to his actual death. There's is a lessons to be learned there
A hernia usually happens in your abdomen or groin, when one of your organs pushes through the muscle or tissue that contains it. It may look like an odd bulge that comes and goes during different activities or in different positions. It may or may not cause symptoms, such as discomfort or pain. Most hernias will need surgical repair.
What is a hernia?
A hernia occurs when part of your insides bulges through an opening or weakness in the muscle or tissue barrier that contains it. Most hernias involve one of your abdominal organs pushing through one of the walls of your abdominal cavity. Hernias can occur gradually as you get older and regular wear and tear on your muscles begins to add up. They can also result from an injury, surgery or birth disorder.
How common are hernias?
Overall, hernias are common, though some types are more common than others. Inguinal hernias affect around 25% of all men or people assigned male at birth. Hiatal hernias affect around 20% of people in the U.S. and 50% over the age of 50. Congenital hernias occur in about 15% of newborns, mostly umbilical. Incisional hernias make up about 10% of hernias, and all other types make up another 10%.
How serious is a hernia?
Most aren’t serious, but they can be. They can also become more serious over time. A hernia becomes serious when it gets stuck in the hole that it’s pushed through and can’t go back in. This can become painful, and in severe cases can become cut off from blood supply, causing tissue death. Since hernias tend to worsen over time, most will need surgical repair sooner or later
What are hernia symptoms?
Not all hernias cause symptoms and different types of hernias may cause different symptoms. One telltale sign of a hernia is a visible lump or bulge that appears during certain activities or in certain physical positions and goes back in at other times. You may also feel pressure, a dull ache or pinching when the hernia comes out. It may come out when you’re straining, lifting, laughing or coughing.
What does a hernia look like?
When you can see it, it looks like a bulge where you shouldn’t have one. Some typical places are in your abdomen or at the top of your inner thigh. It may be visible sometimes but not in others. Some hernias are too deep to be visible from the outside, including femoral hernias and hiatal hernias.
What does a hernia feel like?
You may not feel it at all, or you may feel pressure, a dull ache or a sharp pain when the hernia comes through the opening. If you have frequent discomfort, you should see a healthcare provider right away. A hiatal hernia, in particular, may cause chronic acid reflux. You may feel it as heartburn or indigestion.
What are the first signs of a hernia?
You may see or feel a hernia emerge in a precise location when you’re squatting, bending over or exerting yourself. In your baby, you may see a hernia emerge when they’re crying or pooping, and they may be irritable about it. If the same activity routinely causes the same symptoms, it’s likely a hernia.
Are hernia symptoms in women different from hernia symptoms in men?
Not usually, but there are some exceptions. For example, a groin hernia can sometimes slip down into your sex organs. It may cause visible scrotal swelling in people with testicles. Femoral hernias more often occur in women or people assigned female at birth (AFAB), and they may cause invisible, unexplained groin pain.
What is the main cause of hernia?
A hernia occurs when a weakness or a preexisting opening in your muscle or connective tissue allows an organ or other tissue to push through the barrier. Sometimes the weakness or opening is present at birth, but usually, it develops during your lifetime. A traumatic injury or surgery could cause it, but more often, it’s a repetitive stress injury. Years of pressure or exertion can wear the tissue down.
What happens if a hernia is left untreated?
A small hernia may never bother you much. But hernias do tend to grow bigger over time. The opening continues to weaken and stretch, and more tissue gradually pushes its way through. The more tissue pushes through, the more likely it is to become incarcerated, leading to pain and other complications.
What are the possible side effects or complications of the treatment?
There’s a small risk of general surgical complications, such as excessive bleeding, wound infection or reactions to the anesthesia. Some people have difficulty urinating for a short time after surgery. About 10% of people report chronic groin pain after inguinal hernia repair, possibly due to nerve damage
What should I expect if I have a hernia?
Your healthcare provider will assess how severe it is and how fast it’s likely to progress. Some hernias may not need urgent repair, but for most, they’ll recommend it eventually. The surgery is usually a simple outpatient procedure with a short recovery. It’s almost always successful, but there is a 10% chance of the hernia returning sometime later, especially if the conditions that caused it continue.
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