Shocking Reasons Why Some Married Women Cheat
1. They crave better sexual satisfaction beyond what their husbands currently offer. Word on the streets has it that among other calamities, something like 37.83% of married women have never achieved orgasm. This problem is usually the start of a dangerous drive to get this sexual satisfaction at all costs. Most of the time, this drive is as a result of memories from their past sexual exploits when they were much younger. Now, they need to attain the same height of sexual fantasy (if not more) again to be more fulfilled and happy now.
2. They're tired of the routine life their marriage offers. While not all marriages are boring and monotonous, some marriages are dead. The pursuit of money has killed the need and the time to add spices to the marriage. This leaves open a dangerous gap that serves as an excuse for the woman to seek some form of secret adventure that will add colour to her own life.
3. Some women like danger. Engaging in dangerous things gives them some sort of adrenaline rush that soon translates into a strong quest for libidinous satisfaction. This makes them look for virile men (mostly young men) to keep as secret bedmates. They will continually seek ways to satisfy this unhealthy craving for over-the-top experiences with any able-bodied man other than their husbands.
4. It was once a way of life. Women who were used to dating different guys for different reasons in their single days will most times find it difficult to resign from that pattern of life even after marriage. They soon become like the dog that returns to its vomit because it cannot do without doing it. It has been encoded in the system. It cannot help it. It must just return.
5. They are victims of the spirit of the times. Our world is fast normalizing all sorts of anomalies, and extra-marital affair is one of them. I see and hear married people boast of their extra-marital affairs in offices these days as if it's nothing. So for the woman who has no values, she also wants to fit in and not feel left out. So she goes out and cheats.
Do you know other reasons why some married women cheat? Share with the house.
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