Doctor Satan: The Insane Story of Serial Killer Marcel Petiot
Marcel Felix Petiot was a French serial killer who got his victims by offering to help them escape France through a non-existent secret route. They were majorly wanted people.
Once the victims agreed, he convinced them that they needed to be vaccinated.
Instead of giving them vaccine, he would inject them with cyanide and then rob them of their belongings
On 11 March 1944, Petiot's neighbors called the attention of the police to a foul stench in the area and large amounts of smoke billowing from a chimney of the house.
Fearing a chimney fire, the police summoned firemen, who entered the house and found a roaring fire in a coal stove in the basement. In the fire, and scattered in the basement, were human remains. It is believed he killed not less than 60 people this way.
He disappeared for a while, grew his beard and changed his name to Henri Valeri. He joined the military and was among those drafted to look for Marcel Félix Petiot. He was subsequently captured after someone recognized him.
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A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900
A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900 A river pirate is a pirate who operates along a river. The term has been used to describe many different kinds of pirate groups who carry out riverine attacks in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America. They are usually prosecuted under national, not international law A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900. It stands on stones or wooden beams. Every day 1 will take off with his head on top. He will eventually have nothing to stand on and suffocate to death. On a sunny winter day some three centuries ago, British warships fired their cannons in celebration as Lieutenant Robert Maynard sailed up the James River upon his return to Virginia. Any questions as to the success of his covert mission to subdue one of history’s most notorious pirates were answered at the...
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