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SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story

SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story
42-year-old Dandara dos Santos was kicked, punched, and hit with shoes and a plank of wood in front of residents in Fortaleza, Ceara state, Brazil... till death. click image to read story

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10 Reasons Why Men Should Quit Watching Po*n

Photo of 1920's man who was struck by lightning, the bottoms of his feet were blown off

Photo of 1920's man who was struck by lightning, the bottoms of his feet were blown off

Victim struck by lightning, circa 1920s. The bottoms of his feet were blown off.

This man was sleeping in bed on his stomach during a storm when lighting struck through his open bedroom window. His hip is all black and charred. The bottoms of his feet were blown off. 

That's assuming the nerves were burnt, but not all areas were burnt deep enough. Either way the discomfort of everyday life while being in that position is agonizing enough. He can't even lay, stand, or sit.

Minus the severe wide-area charring of this man's ass, Bottoms of his feet basically exploded, and the resulting steam pressure blew him right out of his boots. He had various burns of lesser severity everywhere else, but his feet got wrecked.

Thomas was not struck directly but by a side flash or indirect strike. Also known as arcing, a side flash can spread out as much as 60 feet .

He received direct physical contact with a column of rapidly expanding air displaced by an incredible burst of arcing electrical current.

He's alive and in a hospital. 

He was dead for 5 minutes he says and managed to resuscitate him. 
He's never mentioned anything about what he may have experienced during those five minutes. But it is well recorded that he suffered a severe personality shift as a result. It took years of therapy before he could relax again. Extreme paranoia is stills problem for him at 66

Poor guy!

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