The horror of child servants in Pakistan: Uzma was battered to death for taking one bite of food
The horror of child servants in Pakistan: Uzma was battered to death for taking one bite of food
She was dressed in a light blue, almost-white shirt, a cobalt blue shalwar and a dark grey sweater. Around her neck was a grey shawl, muddied on the side shading it brown. Skinny arms, large, work-beaten hands, stiff, raised on one side, her fingers folded, covered in mud, her nails white, clipped to the point of being bitten.
Her body was that of an 11-year-old, her face covered in bruises, dark, many. Her hair was scraggly, as if shorn by a child. Her tongue had a cut. Her chest had cuts. Her dead body was found in a large drain. She was 16 years old. Her name was Uzma.
In the last week of January 2019, Pakistan saw images of the dead body of a teenager who worked as domestic help in a house in Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore. The outrage was tremendous, and because of the intensive media coverage of the body of a girl, almost a child, found in a drain, a case clearly of torture and manslaughter, the quick investigation led to the arrest of one perpetrator and her two accomplices.
About a year ago before she was murdered, Uzma, this little girl, came in their house for work as a housemaid. They gave her a place in bathroom to sleep in, took as much load from her as they could, didn’t give her proper food to eat, abducted her.
As a result, that little healthy girl turned into this:
One day, Uzma took a bite from her Mistress’ younger daughter’s plate of food. This made the women so angry that they stabbed a steel rod on her head multiple times; as a result Uzma went unconscious for the rest of her life. She was bleeding internally.
Shockingly, instead of taking the little soul to the Hospital, these cruel people gave her electric shocks to make her sentient but in vain.
When no solution was left, they put her in a baggage and threw her into a large drain. After that, these women called the police and made a silly story that this little girl stole gold and money and ran away. This made the police suspicious and later the police found the culprit and placed them behind Bars.
When her body was found, her parents couldn’t even recognise if this really their beloved daughter!
Uzma’s story really boiled my blood. I couldn’t stop crying.
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