These question have been ignored among people in a relationship. Relationship of a thing has appointed time. At what age you should be in a relationship! Should be consider before jumping into it. It is not advisable to start a relationship at any time. Love does not hurt it is the person you chosen to love that hurt you so therefore dont be in hurry.
If you are a female and your parent still monitor your controls and activities it is better not to start a relationship, you are still a child. Also, if you are a male and you still stay with your parent don't be in a relationship. You might not be able to withstand the negative aspect of it. Love is sweet but it cost. The other side of love is not what you should experience because if you do you will hate it to be love.
The fact is that, boyfriend's and girlfriend relationship is a Destiny killer God knowns it. Even nature forbide such a practice but because we are made of fresh it's become difficult to aviod such practice. God helps us.
Before condering to start a relationship there is a standard you should reach in aspect of living. Don't be blinded with too much love and don't be carry away with it. Love at the very beginning of a relationship is very strong but its declines as it get older. That is to say, the longer a relatiobship takes the weaker it becomes. Relationship in this case is subjected to the law of diminishing return. The amount of loves you gotten from your partner will continue to increase to a certain point and it will fall back. The primary aim of being into a relationship is to get married. For the love in a relationship not to decline there is need to start at the right time.
The time to start a relationship does not only depend on age but also depend on stages of life. As long as you are above 18 years of age you can start a relationship but that does not mean you should. If you are a male reading this articles you should considered the following criteria before starting a relationship.
1. Apartment
Having your own apartment is number one key factor to considered if you so desired a successful relationship.
2. Sustainable sources of income
Relationship is not for mouth. Have your own thing doing this will in turn enable you to implement a plan toward relationship goal. As I have said, the beginning of a relationship is always sweet and very strong so therefore, make sure you acted very fastly before it fade away. However if provision is made for the above listed criteria, it will gurrantee 95 percent success.
3. Education
Is good to read and write so that you can text, write, and chat her on social media
As a female, if you are above 18 years of age you are good to go but there are things to considered.
1. Education
There is this popular saying that' beauty without education is zero' make sure you known how to read and write and have completed your secondary education before considering relationship.
2. A skills/hand work
As a female, make sure you have a skills it will enable you to stand firmly in case if there occurs a barriers in the relationship such as unwanted pregnancy. If he got you pregnanted and he does not have all it takes to take Care of you, you can obtain money from friends and family to start your own business since you have already gotten a skills. If you gotten the above listed criteria then you are ready to start a relationship.
If you are a female and your parent still monitor your controls and activities it is better not to start a relationship, you are still a child. Also, if you are a male and you still stay with your parent don't be in a relationship. You might not be able to withstand the negative aspect of it. Love is sweet but it cost. The other side of love is not what you should experience because if you do you will hate it to be love.
The fact is that, boyfriend's and girlfriend relationship is a Destiny killer God knowns it. Even nature forbide such a practice but because we are made of fresh it's become difficult to aviod such practice. God helps us.
Before condering to start a relationship there is a standard you should reach in aspect of living. Don't be blinded with too much love and don't be carry away with it. Love at the very beginning of a relationship is very strong but its declines as it get older. That is to say, the longer a relatiobship takes the weaker it becomes. Relationship in this case is subjected to the law of diminishing return. The amount of loves you gotten from your partner will continue to increase to a certain point and it will fall back. The primary aim of being into a relationship is to get married. For the love in a relationship not to decline there is need to start at the right time.
The time to start a relationship does not only depend on age but also depend on stages of life. As long as you are above 18 years of age you can start a relationship but that does not mean you should. If you are a male reading this articles you should considered the following criteria before starting a relationship.
1. Apartment
Having your own apartment is number one key factor to considered if you so desired a successful relationship.
2. Sustainable sources of income
Relationship is not for mouth. Have your own thing doing this will in turn enable you to implement a plan toward relationship goal. As I have said, the beginning of a relationship is always sweet and very strong so therefore, make sure you acted very fastly before it fade away. However if provision is made for the above listed criteria, it will gurrantee 95 percent success.
3. Education
Is good to read and write so that you can text, write, and chat her on social media
As a female, if you are above 18 years of age you are good to go but there are things to considered.
1. Education
There is this popular saying that' beauty without education is zero' make sure you known how to read and write and have completed your secondary education before considering relationship.
2. A skills/hand work
As a female, make sure you have a skills it will enable you to stand firmly in case if there occurs a barriers in the relationship such as unwanted pregnancy. If he got you pregnanted and he does not have all it takes to take Care of you, you can obtain money from friends and family to start your own business since you have already gotten a skills. If you gotten the above listed criteria then you are ready to start a relationship.
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