Although I also recall a study (don’t know if this was anything official) that concluded it’s more fun to make a baby girl. It seems the more sex you have, the more likely you are to have a girl. But However More male children are conceived than female, and at 3 months gestation, males outnumber females by about 120:100. However, male fetuses suffer more prenatal death than females, so by birth, the ratio of males:females is about 106:100. Then throughout life, even in infancy and childhood, males die at a higher rate than females, and after middle age, females outnumber males. Thus there are more widows looking for eligible men than widowers looking for eligible women.
Males usually exceed females at birth but subsequently experience different mortality rates due to many possible causes such as differential natural death rates, war casualties, and deliberate gender control.Men are more muscular and can lift more weight, but in terms of survival, it seems pretty clear than men are the weaker sex. For equivalent serious illnesses (same type and severity), women are more likely to survive than men.
The national differences between male and female populations change with age. for example, there are more newborn boys than girls each year, and men continue to outnumber women until age 31. But from age 32 onward, there are more women than men, with the gap widening every year. This because, males have a higher risk of dying than females, both in childhood and at adult ages. So at a certain age, the numbers of men and women even out. The numbers of male that die a day are far greater than the numbers of female that die. This Was As A Result Of:
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1. Taking bigger risk
boys and men die in accidents or due to violence than girls and women. Examples include biking, driving drunk, and homicide.
2. have more dangerous jobs.
Men far outnumber women in some of the riskiest occupations, including military combat, firefighting, and working at construction sites.
3. die of heart disease more often and at a younger age.
In fact, men are 50% more likely than women to die of heart disease. The fact that men have lower estrogen levels than women may be part of the reason. But medical risks, such as poorly treated high blood pressure or unfavorable cholesterol levels, may contribute as well.
4. commit suicide more often than women.
This is true despite the fact that depression is considered more common among women and women make more (non-fatal) suicide attempts. Some attribute this to the tendency for men to avoid seeking care for depression and the cultural norms that discourage men from seeking help for mental illness.
5. avoid doctors.
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, men are far more likely to skip routine health screens and far less likely than women to have seen a doctor of any kind during the previous year.
Females will keep to outnumbered men to a point the prophecy recorded in the book of Isaiah 4:1 will be fuilfied
"And seven women shall take hold of one man in that day, saying, “We will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name; take away our reproach"
This prophecy must come to pass. We are now in the beginning of this prophecy. Ladies hold on to your man and husband.
As a single girl between the age of 18 - 25 you might not see it coming. But you will see it ( The prophecy ) coming to pass at early 30, married or not married.
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