“Pardon me for being born into a nation of racists”
An iconic image showing Aboriginal rights activist, Gary Foley with a sign reading, “Pardon me for being born into a nation of racists”, 1971.
An iconic image showing Aboriginal rights activist, Gary Foley with a placard reading, “Pardon me for being born into a nation of racists”. It was part of a protest against the South African Springboks rugby tour of Australia in 1971 during apartheid.
Action taken by Australian Aborigines League and Aborigines Progressive Association on Jan 26 1938 (Australia's sesquicentenary).
They refused to participate in the re-enactment of the First Fleet's landing at Farm Cove in Sydney and instead held a protest march which was the first public protest
The Australian Abo Call
The first Aboriginal newspaper in Australia; created by Jack Patten
Examples of discrimination against Aborigines
Aboriginal Protection Boards were established to 'manage' Aboriginal populations, they were denied certain jobs and were expected to work for less money, they were not eligible for aged and invalid pensions
Integrating blacks into white society, generally done by white men impregnating Aboriginal women
Significant individual: Jack Patten
Indigenous Australian civil rights activist and journalist, regarded by many historians as one of the most significant individuals to contribute to the fight for rights and freedoms of Indigenous; created the first Aboriginal newspaper; founded the Aborigines Progressive Association; helped coordinate the first Aboriginal Day of Mourning in 1938 (addressing unfair treatment of b, inequalities, citizen rights); once met with Prime Minister to present a 10-point plan for citizens' rights convinced government to overturn a ban preventing Aborigines from enlisting in the armed forces
Action taken by Australian Aborigines League and Aborigines Progressive Association on Jan 26 1938 (Australia's sesquicentenary).
They refused to participate in the re-enactment of the First Fleet's landing at Farm Cove in Sydney and instead held a protest march which was the first public protest
The Australian Abo Call
The first Aboriginal newspaper in Australia; created by Jack Patten
Examples of discrimination against Aborigines
Aboriginal Protection Boards were established to 'manage' Aboriginal populations, they were denied certain jobs and were expected to work for less money, they were not eligible for aged and invalid pensions
Integrating blacks into white society, generally done by white men impregnating Aboriginal women
Significant individual: Jack Patten
Indigenous Australian civil rights activist and journalist, regarded by many historians as one of the most significant individuals to contribute to the fight for rights and freedoms of Indigenous; created the first Aboriginal newspaper; founded the Aborigines Progressive Association; helped coordinate the first Aboriginal Day of Mourning in 1938 (addressing unfair treatment of b, inequalities, citizen rights); once met with Prime Minister to present a 10-point plan for citizens' rights convinced government to overturn a ban preventing Aborigines from enlisting in the armed forces
Wave Hill Walk Off
In 1966 Vincent Lingiari led Aboriginal stockmen and families to strike and walk-off from a cattle-station in the Northern Territory (Guringji land)
Significant individual: Vincent Lingiari
Led Wave Hill Walk-Off in 1966, petitioned Governor General in 1967 that morally the land was theirs and should be returned to them (claim was refused), PM Gough Whitlam symbolically poured earth into his hand in 1975, handing land back to the Gurindji people
Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1967
Granted the Gurindji and other Aboriginal tribes in the Northern Territory title to some of their traditional land; for the first time, a specific group of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had recognition of their connection to their land.
Australian Freedom Riders
Toured regional NSW in early 1965 as a fact-finding mission by a group known as Student Action for Aborigines (mostly non-aboriginals) and ended as a genuine protest against segregation across Australia; led by Charles Perkins; rode into very racist rural NSW; were run out of Walgett where Aborigines were banned from entering the RSL and were again attacked in Moree where Aborigines were banned from swimming in public pool
1967 Referendum
Resulted in amendments that allowed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to be included in the census, to be legislated for by the federal government (as opposed to different state governments); 90% voted yes; provided them with a symbol of recognition; building block in campaign for rights; 8000-10,000 Aboriginal people voted in referendum (they were given the right to vote in 1962)
Aboriginal Tent Embassy
Erected Jan 26 1972 on lawns of Parliament House in Canberra in response to the slow progress being made on land rights; goals included legal and title rights to land currently being mined, the preservation of all sacred sites and compensation for lands not returnable (a $6 billion down payment plus an annual percentage of gross national income); demands rejected, police removed tents, some activists arrested; put up because people would see it (tourists, politicians, general public) and to keep Aboriginal issues in people's minds (they intended to be annoying and they were always there as a reminder of their demands); deemed an "Australian Embarrassment"; in May 1972 a law was made that allowed policemen to remove Aboriginal people from the land outside Parliament
Significant individual: Gary Foley
Helped establish Tent Embassy; had a huge impact on freedoms and rights of Aboriginals and continuously educated whites and Aboriginal people of indigenous struggles; established Aboriginal medical and legal services (near where the First Fleet landed in Sydney); has protested against Australian bicentenary; "Pardon me for being born into a nation of racists"
Crown land
land belonging to the government
Terra nullius
"Land belonging to no one"; Europeans saw no sign of settlement in terms of roads, farms, buildings
Native Title
The recognition by Australian law that some Indigenous people have rights and interests to the land that come from their traditional laws and customs; overturned the long-held legal position that Australia was terr nullius
Significant individual: Eddie Mabo
Led his people in a campaign to gain ownership of his people's traditional land; had to prove that his people had a continuous connection to his land; appealed to change law relating to terra nullius to Supreme Court but was not passed, won a claim in the High Court i 1992 and after it was passed the government had to change the law
Brought about by Eddie Mabo's appeal to change laws relating to terra nullius; applied only to Crown Land, so if someone else owned land such as a homeowner, their land could not be reclaimed but land that had not been sold or given away was given native title
The Mabo Decision
The High Court's decision that terra nullius should not have been applied to Australia; the decision recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have rights to the land that existed before the British arrived and can still exist today (1992)
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The corpse of Madame Debeinche, who was murdered in her Paris apartment on May 5, 1903, lay completely motionless
You are looking at one of the first crime scene photos ever taken The corpse of Madame Debeinche, who was murdered in her Paris apartment on May 5, 1903, lay completely motionless. Her photo is one of thousands snapped by Alphonse Bertillon, a police clerk in Paris who revolutionized detective work. Not only was Bertillon the first to photograph a crime scene, but he also streamlined the use of mugshots. By 1884, his groundbreaking new criminal codification method helped catch 241 repeat offenders in Paris. At first glance, the faded 1903 photograph of Mme Debeinche’s bedroom, bound in the yellowed pages of an early 20th-century album, shows what looks to be an unremarkable middle-class Parisian apartment of the time. The overstuffed room brims with floral decoration, from the wallpaper and heavy swag curtains to the carpeting, chair upholstery—even the chamber pot. A large reproduction of Alexandre Cabanel’s voluptuous 1863 painting, “Birth of Venus,” hangs on the wall. A sizeable unm...
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